
Oh, hi! Haven't seen you in a while. We've been goin' through some big ol' life changes, and I haven't had time to post any reviews of rockin' new music lately.

Basically, my wife and I and our 3-year-old son moved back to my home state, where I'm getting my PhD in Human Development and Family Studies. There were several factors that influenced our decision, one of them being that we wanted to see if the MUCH slower pace of life in southeast Alabama appealed to us after living across the Hudson from Manhattan for eight years.

So far, things are good. We've done stuff like:

Look at turtles in a pond,

hang out on campus,

and take time to stop and smell, well, whatever flowering vine this is...

New reviews are coming very soon, as well as reports on Bill's No Nap Happy Hour series, Austin Kiddie Limits, and next year's SXSW Music Festival and the Kindiefest Conference. Stay tuned!

Follow Me to Kindermusik!

Classes are almost full for the fall semester. If you've missed the first few classes, you can still join us. We will happily pro-rate your tuition. Visit to register today!

Tweet, tweet!

Do you tweet? You can now follow Delightful Sounds on Twitter. You can also become a fan of Delightful Sounds on Facebook. It's a great way to keep up with all that's going on with Delightful Sounds. Here's what a few parents had to say recently about their respective Kindermusik classes via Twitter.

libraryina: took Charlie to his 1st Kindermusik class. He drooled, sucked on my finger and smiled...a success, I think!

Suthurnbel: enjoyed watching Owen at his first Kindermusik class w/o Katelyn. He LOVED it and was all over the place!! So fun!

LadiesofReggae: KinderMusik @ NU here comes our family!!! I already have a 1 1/2yr old musical genius so I better get that skill perfected now!

Healthy and Happy

Delightful Sounds has joined in Kindermusik International’s Healthy & Happy initiative which is created to help protect you and your children from the spread of viruses like the H1N1 flu (also known as the “Swine Flu”). As cold and flu season approaches we want to do our part to ensure a healthy classroom environment for everyone.

By collecting facts, checklists, and prevention tips from the Centers for Disease Control, Kindermusik is making sure we are more prepared than ever to provide an environment much less likely to allow viruses to spread.

• We are disinfecting toys and instruments at CDC standards to prevent transmission.
• We have added hand sanitizer distribution to each child at the start and end of each class (under parent supervision with younger children).
• We receive updated information on virus prevention and trends from the CDC.

Your child’s health and happiness are important to us at Delightful Sounds. I hope you and your child will make plans to join us for a music class today!

Come dance with us!

“Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance.”-dancer and choreographer Martha Graham

There is only one week left before the start of the fall semester. I hope you are planning to join us! Click here to enroll today.

My life in the zoo

I know many of you visit this blog for the great ideas about childhood development, music, and information about our Kindermusik classes. However, I also know that the label "Mrs. Aimee's Place" has also held high rankings in popularity. Since this label contains all the posts that are personal to me, I thought I would let you know that I recently started a new blog. It's about my life as a mother, musician, and home schooling parent. If you're interested in reading along, be sure to visit me and leave a comment at My Life in the Zoo!

Can't decide whether to enroll in Kindermusik?

Creatures in My Backyard

The Kindermusik toddlers have been studying Creatures in My Backyard for their final summer music session. We've enjoyed singing about woodpeckers, owls, bees, and butterflies to name just a few. One of the stories that I used in class was called Right Outside My Window by Mary Ann Hoberman. I like the simple text and colorful pictures that draw the children in to discover all the wonders they might find in their own backyards.

We are currently enrolling for the fall Kindermusik semester. I hope you'll plan to join us. Some of the class times have been adjusted in the last week, so take a moment to look at our current schedule here for the most up to date information.

More ramblings from the Possibility Finder

I was reading through some old posts on my blog, and I came across one from when I first started blogging. I was talking about all the possibilities I see when I get to know the children in my music classes. Let's face it, our children may not always behave the way we wish they would. They may not even be interested in the things we wish they would, but each child is a unique and wonderful package of possibilities. I love that thought, because it gives us hope for what our children may become. What contributions will they achieve in their lifetime? Who's life will they touch is some unique or profound way? Maybe these things would never have happened if we had not chosen to encourage the wonderful possibilities tucked away in our children. They may not turn out to be the next music sensation like we had hoped, but perhaps they save some one's life as a firefighter instead. Here's an excerpt from that post. "I am more than just a music teacher. I am a possibility finder! Hidden within each child, there are talents and abilities just waiting to be uncovered. Discovering strengths, learning to work through weaknesses-all these things play an important role in discovering everything they are capable of."