Building critical thinking skills

I heard a great story yesterday about one of our preschool Kindermusik students. Her mother had asked her what she wanted to dress up as for Halloween. "I want to be an green alien with antennas!" Puzzled by this unusual response, her mother inquired, "Don't you want to be a princess, like all the other girls?" The child's confident response was, "But I'm NOT all the other girls!"

I loved this story! I think it speaks of the creativity, individuality, and confidence that we try to nurture and grow in our Kindermusik classrooms. You may be working on academic facts with your child, but equally important are the creativity and critical thinking skills that will go beyond just academic facts. You can help your child with these types of skills by allowing them to guide your play time or explorations. Ask leading questions, such as, "What do you think will happen next?" or "How do you think that object would look if it could move?". Have fun with these types of questions. There really is no right or wrong answer. As your child grows more confident with this type of thinking, they will easily be able to apply it to more critical thought processes in the future. Whether it be in the area of music, pretend play, calculus, or Halloween costumes, don't miss the chance to encourage your child's creativity.

Free Kindermusik Semester!

I just heard about a fun contest being offered by Kindermusik International. They are putting together a music video of the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and they are collecting videos of children, adults, grandparents, friends, etc. doing the motions to the Itsy Bitsy Spider. You can load your entries on YouTube. Kindermusik will then use various clips from the entries in their video. All of the entries will be included in a raffle for a FREE semester of Kindermusik classes, including your home materials packet for your child's music class. This contest is open to all families and the prize can be transferable, such as giving it to grandchild or friend. Click here for all the information on how to enter. You can watch the videos that have already been posted on You Tube by clicking here.

the fun theory

Have you ever noticed how much better children cooperate when it's fun? We make game out of getting dressed, or sing silly songs to get a fussy baby to smile. In our Kindermusik classes, learning is always fun! So, I've decided that if we ever add stairs to the classroom, they will look like this!

Name that tune

Where in the world in Mrs. Aimee? If we lived closer to this apple farm, we would have to plan a field trip for the children in our music classes at Delightful Sounds. Can you guess the Kindermusik songs that would go with this picture? I can think of a couple! Be sure to post your guesses as a comment.

The Leader of the Band!

Congratulations to Jake, our winner of the Leader of the Band contest! It was a tight race, but Jake squeaked out a victory earning his family a gift certificate for 50% off the tuition of his next Kindermusik class. Second place went to Bennett, seen below. Bennett's prize will be a Kindermusik prize pack, including a CD, egg shaker, story book, and other toys.

Congratulations, again, to Jake and Bennett. I think they look like the beginnings of a great band! Thank you to everyone who helped make the Leader of the Band contest so fun!!

Seven surprises just for you!

I was reading an article recently about seven benefits of music education. I found it interesting, because it was not talking specifically about private music study or school age children. As a matter of fact, I see these same benefits every week in my Kindermusik classroom, even when it's full of little babies! Music education enhances a child's intelligence, academic success, social skills, and even physical fitness. Here are the seven surprising benefits of music education:

  1. Music boosts brain power.

  2. Music leads to literacy skills.

  3. Music adds to a child's understanding of math.

  4. Music helps children live in harmony with others.

  5. Music is active.

  6. Singing helps children stay strong.

  7. Music supports self-expression.

I hope you'll take a minute to read the full article here.

Leader of the Band contest

It's time to start voting for your favorite picture in the Leader of the Band contest. Since all of the contestants turned out to be local, I will give the winner a gift certificate good for 50% off their tuition for a future Kindermusik class. There will also be other music prizes and goodies awarded. Here's how to cast your vote:

  1. Visit the Delightful Sounds page on Facebook.

  2. Look through the photo album titled "Leader of the Band Contest".

  3. Add "vote" as a comment under your favorite photo.

  4. While you're there, make sure to become a fan! It's a great way to keep up with what's going on at Delightful Sounds.

Good luck to all of the contestants! Make sure to tell your friends and family to visit and vote too!