Building our future

A few weeks ago I received an email from Kindermusik International. Each year they select certain educators to recognize with the Kindermusik Maestro in Outreach award. Delightful Sounds has been so priveleged to recieve this award 8 times since we opened in 2003. I am so excited to be named among this special group of worldwide educators again this year.

Earning this distinction is a tremendous honor. I have always had a desire to reach out to my community to children who would not typically have the opportunity to experience Kindermusik. I would like to personally thank the local businesses and individuals that have financially supported our efforts in providing the gift of music to these very special children! I am overwhelmed by your generosity and amazed at the children's growth and development as they sing and dance with me each week. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Again! Again!

Have you ever wondered why a child will ask you to read the same book over and over or perhaps never tires of rolling the ball back and forth? A newly published study may shed some light on this learning technique of young children. Nicknamed the "Goldilocks effect", the study examines the attention span of infants in relation to the complexity of the world around them. The results showed that infants focus only on situations that are neither too difficult nor too easy.

"The study suggests that babies are not only attracted by what is happening, but they are able to predict what happens next based on what they have already observed," says Kidd, lead author on the report. "They are not passive sponges. They are active information seekers looking for the best information they can find." Children who are engaged in a sensory rich learning experience are best equipped to receive and retain new information. The repetition of a fun activity likely yields new information each time for your child and provides an opportunity for them to test their predictions based on their latest observations.  "Parents don't need to buy fancy toys to help their children learn. They make the best use of their environment. They are going to look around for what fits their attention level. Kids learn best from social interaction," reminds Kidd.

I hope your family can enjoy some fun, social interaction in a Kindermusik class this summer! Click here for a free preview coupon.