A message from the CEO of Kindermusik International

Whether it is the impending close of another calendar year or the onset of the holiday season, December always seems an apt time for reflection. This past year has been tumultuous by any measure. Yet, through the ups and downs, I am reminded of the importance of what we do together in community through Kindermusik.

In this past year we have reached hundreds of thousands of children with music education. For some, this was a continuation of a family tradition of music making. For others, it was a first opportunity to experience the joy of the Kindermusik classroom. For a special few, it was through the kindness and charity of both KI and licensed educators that Kindermusik became possible. And for literally countless families, their homes were graced by music and warmed by memories of special together time for parent and child.

I still remember that tingle I felt in my first Kindermusik class with my daughter Sarah (who is now almost 21). It was an emotional reckoning that I had found a safe, loving, accepting place for my daughter and for me. I have found that all moments in life are not equal in the passage of time. Kindermusik time simply passes more slowly, more richly and with more emotional saturation than others in my life. And, if this is true for many of the Kindermusik families around the world, we have indeed made a difference.

Few things in life are more affirming than knowing that the work into which you pour your life energy is significant. Think of the alternative. Thankfully, as a member of the Kindermusik community, we rarely question the significance of our efforts. Though the business of running a Kindermusik program can be challenging, the mission never is. Yet, it sure does a soul good to be reminded of, and rejuvenated by, this timeless truth:

Kindermusik is an important part of what is so very right in our world.

For years to come, we will fret about the sad events and tragedies of 2008, the circumstances of those less fortunate, the lives affected by war, famine, terrorism. But we can console ourselves in knowing that we each took steps within our local community to make our mark on our world. We believed in Kindermusik, stepped joyously into the classroom (or supported those who did) and brought the gift of music, and all the promise it holds, to children and their families once again.

May your holidays be joyous. May we have peace on earth and good will to all. And, may Kindermusik live in the heart of every child.

Best always,

Michael G. Dougherty

Chairman & CEO

Kindermusik International

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