Patience has its own rewards.

I've been teaching him for over a year now. I greet him at the door each week before class, but he only hides and looks away with uncertainty in his eyes. Sometimes I catch him watching me, when he thinks I'm not looking. I smile, and again he looks away. I know he's happy to be in Kindermusik. His face usually beams while he plays the instruments with his mom and dad. However he struggles to branch out and interact with anyone except his parents, so we continue our delicate dance around each other each week. Sometimes I wonder if I am dancing with the "elephant in the room", but all of that changed this week.
When I greeted him at the door, I caught a subtle smile before he looked away. It played at the corner of his mouth with a hint of impishness and was gone as quickly as it appeared. I saw it several more times, even if only briefly, throughout the class. While listening to the story time, he pointed in answer to a question I asked him. This was something completely new, and I was thrilled that he was finally getting comfortable enough in his social skills to participate on this level. Then the unexpected happened. We were about to close the class with a goodbye song, and he walked right up to me, looked me in the eye, and spoke. Not only spoke, but he took my hand to show me more about the question that he had. I tried to remain cool and calm as we walked together hand in hand. I wanted to appear as though this was totally expected, but inside I was trying to absorb this unexpected turn of events- to savor everything about this moment. It's the little victories that make teaching so rewarding to me. It's a joy to witness a child reaching out to accomplish something that I know was a true challenge for them. Those moments are often few and far between, and there is a fine line between challenging that growth without pushing so hard that you crush their desire to achieve it. 

I guess it's true after all. Patience does have its own rewards.

Building our future

A few weeks ago I received an email from Kindermusik International. Each year they select certain educators to recognize with the Kindermusik Maestro in Outreach award. Delightful Sounds has been so priveleged to recieve this award 8 times since we opened in 2003. I am so excited to be named among this special group of worldwide educators again this year.

Earning this distinction is a tremendous honor. I have always had a desire to reach out to my community to children who would not typically have the opportunity to experience Kindermusik. I would like to personally thank the local businesses and individuals that have financially supported our efforts in providing the gift of music to these very special children! I am overwhelmed by your generosity and amazed at the children's growth and development as they sing and dance with me each week. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Again! Again!

Have you ever wondered why a child will ask you to read the same book over and over or perhaps never tires of rolling the ball back and forth? A newly published study may shed some light on this learning technique of young children. Nicknamed the "Goldilocks effect", the study examines the attention span of infants in relation to the complexity of the world around them. The results showed that infants focus only on situations that are neither too difficult nor too easy.

"The study suggests that babies are not only attracted by what is happening, but they are able to predict what happens next based on what they have already observed," says Kidd, lead author on the report. "They are not passive sponges. They are active information seekers looking for the best information they can find." Children who are engaged in a sensory rich learning experience are best equipped to receive and retain new information. The repetition of a fun activity likely yields new information each time for your child and provides an opportunity for them to test their predictions based on their latest observations.  "Parents don't need to buy fancy toys to help their children learn. They make the best use of their environment. They are going to look around for what fits their attention level. Kids learn best from social interaction," reminds Kidd.

I hope your family can enjoy some fun, social interaction in a Kindermusik class this summer! Click here for a free preview coupon.


Feeling like a Failure

This post is originally from Studio 3 Music's blog. As a fellow mom to homeschooled children and teacher, Analiisa's post met me right where I needed it, and I thought a few of you might be there too.

Yesterday, I felt like a complete, utter, failure. I’ve got a sensory child, and I’m also a home schooling mom of three. People often ask me how I do it, and to be perfectly honest, sometimes I wonder, too. Most days, I look (at least I think I do – please don’t crush my delusion) put together on the outside, but like teachers everywhere, there are days when we go, “Did they actually learn anything?”

Back several months. Rob had just finished vision therapy, which for us, was the missing piece of our sensory journey. We’d already done occupational therapy, physical therapy, water therapy, seen a sensory motor specialist, and finished speech therapy. At this point, you can meet Rob and you wouldn’t know he’s a sensory kid. I thought the rest of this schooling year would sort of be an all-come-together year. So much for my plan.

Yesterday, I was doing Singapore Math with Rob. And suddenly, he looked at me and said, “I don’t remember how to divide.” Three weeks ago his violin playing took a huge leap backward. His biggest complaint was that (and I quote), “I can’t keep all the information straight in my head.” I’m having lots of trouble getting punctuation rules to stick in his brain, too.

I’ve noticed over the last couple of months that all he wants to do is PLAY. With his friends. And read. For hours. This from the kid who a year ago couldn’t read for more than 15 minutes without his eyes getting tired. That doesn’t mean, of course, that he doesn’t do school. He does. He likes grammar and history and anatomy and physiology especially. But yesterday, I kept thinking, “How could we get this far and do division all the time, and suddenly, you can’t do it?” It seemed to appear so out of the blue, that I thought that perhaps I just had my head in the clouds and wasn’t paying attention and finally noticed what was going on. Where had I missed the signs?

So I emailed Jesikah, who used to be my assistant, and now bears the more lofty title of Director of Operations. She’s my email therapist, sometimes, too. (She’s also the mother of Rob’s best friends.)
I wrote –
He’s so struggled in some areas at school this year – it’s not a cognitive thing. His brain has just had difficulty processing all the information now flowing in (thanks to vision therapy). However, I feel like I’ve failed him somehow this year. We haven’t accomplished as much as we’ve needed to.

And then I got back the most amazing response –
The Montessori teacher told me recently that some years the children really pour themselves into academics, and some years their social/emotional development needs are so much that it is a distraction against academics and not much is accomplished there…but social/emotional needs are more important than academics – it is what makes us good husbands/wives, parents, friends, siblings, good students and even employees… At the end of one’s life, we always want to be better spouses, better parents, better friends…we never regret that we weren’t as academic as we could have been. Children have a knack for catching up academically, too.

You have not failed Rob. Perhaps, this is a growing year for him socially/emotionally, which is why school is so hard for him. Those other needs are more important at the moment, even if he is incapable of expressing those sentiments.

Thank you, Jesikah. The fact that as a fourth grader, Rob’s brain has felt the need to do something else for his development (rather than what I want it to do), is perfectly okay. So we’ll do a little math this summer, and practice writing a few friendly letters.
-posted by Miss Analiisa, who wants to tell discouraged parents and teachers everywhere that it’ll be okay. Because it will. Even if you have to pull out of the violin recital at the last minute.There will be another one.

Be Encouraged!

Bop into Libraries This Summer

School is nearly out and public libraries are gearing up for summer reading programs for children and teens. The programs are free and offer some of the best entertainment for children such has puppeteers, storytellers, magicians and musicians. So bop on over to your local library this summer, sign up your child for summer reading program and attend the storytimes and performances. It is a great way to enjoy the summer and keep your child's reading muscles in shape.

Now enrolling!

Come sing, sway, and play the summer away in Kindermusik.

Kindermusik is...
  • Music and movement classes for children newborn to age seven
  • A musical atmosphere of play, song, dance, and learning
  • Connection for you with other parents
  • Ideas on how to use music to make parenting easier
  • The best per-class value in music and movement
All of our summer classes will be offered at our Lithia location, at the corner of Fishhawk Blvd. and Lithia Pinecrest.

Classes fill up fast. Register today!

Featured Artist - Betsy Stern

Betsy Stern

I am a native of Berkeley, California, and grew up performing with my dad, a pianist and composer whose songs were published by Disney and also used on "Captain Kangaroo." My dad passed onto me a huge repertoire of music, from children’s to Jazz and Blues to World. I specialize in music from around the world, to reach multicultural audiences. I grew up with this music and love sharing it with kids and their grown-ups because the rhythm is so strong and fun, and it presents a wonderful way to introduce children to the beauty and importance of the world’s many cultures.

I play double bass, requinto, guitar, and several other instruments – and I also sing. I can bring rhythm instruments for the kids to play. I tour and perform throughout the United States. I am available for concerts, fairs, festivals, library events, museum events, holiday celebrations, corporate events, weddings, school assemblies, workshops in classrooms, music in healthcare settings, music presentations and classes in preschools and daycares, children's birthday parties, and family events.

CD Baby

Many of the artists listed in this resource have their music available for download and purchase on a great web site for "Indie" musicians. Check us out at

Featured Artist - Michael Plunkett

Michael Plunkett

Michael is a great professional musician and a fine educator. He brings both of these extraordinary talents to his upbeat CDs that are tops among Kimbo’s best selling products. You’ll want Michael’s unique resources for your home, classroom, or library; CDs that are creative, clever, zany, happy, valuable, purposeful, and more!

Michael was just 25 years old when he wrote a song and submitted it to the New York Songwriters’ Showcase. He finished in the top 5 out of 750 entries, and he never looked back! Michael taught 16-20 “Music Together” classes per week that focused on the preschool child and their teachers/parents. He also brings enrichment programs to underprivileged elementary school children in run-down areas with The Recreational Arts Program.

Currently, Michael is the Director of the music program in a local Special Needs school teaching 40 classes a week  and over 500 students ranging in age from 3 to 21. Michael provides private music lessons, and also plays 5 musical instruments.

His awards include: Winner of the prestigious Parent’s Choice Awards for two CDs.
Ribbons & Rhythms 2010 Parents’ Choice Award Recommended
Shakin The Chute 2011 Parents’ Choice Award Recommended

Workshop Information

307 Helen Terrace Neptune NJ 07753 732.775.0397 and 

Thanks Mom!

This is for the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Oscar Mayer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid saying, "It's okay honey, Mommy's here."

Who have sat in rocking chairs for hours on end soothing crying babies who can't be comforted.

This is for all the mothers who show up at work with spit-up in their hair and milk stains on their blouses and diapers in their purse.

For all the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and sew Halloween costumes. And all the mothers who DON'T.

This for the mothers who gave birth to babies they'll never see. And the mothers who took those babies and gave them homes.

This is for the mothers whose priceless art collections are hanging on their refrigerator doors.

And for all the mothers who froze their buns on metal bleachers at football or soccer games instead of watching from the warmth of their cars, so that when their kids asked, "Did you see me, Mom?" they could say, "Of course, I wouldn't have missed it for the world," and mean it.

This is for all the mothers who yell at their kids in the grocery store and swat them in despair when they stomp their feet and scream for ice cream before dinner. And for all the mothers who count to ten instead, but realize how child abuse happens.

This is for all the mothers who sat down with their children and explained all about making babies. And for all the (grand)mothers who wanted to, but just couldn't find the words.

This is for all the mothers who go hungry, so their children can eat.

For all the mothers who read "Goodnight, Moon" twice a night for a year. And then read it again. "Just one more time."

This is for all the mothers who taught their children to tie their shoelaces before they started school. And for all the mothers who opted for Velcro instead.

This is for all the mothers who teach their sons to cook and their daughters to sink a jump shot.

This is for every mother whose head turns automatically when a little voice calls "Mom?" in a crowd, even though they know their own offspring are at home -- or even away at college ~or have their own families.

This is for all the mothers who sent their kids to school with stomach aches, assuring them they'd be just FINE once they got there, only to get calls from the school nurse an hour later asking them to please pick them up. Right away.

This is for mothers whose children have gone astray, who can't find the words to reach them.

For all the mothers who bite their lips until they bleed when their 14 year olds dye their hair green.

For all the mothers of the victims of recent school shootings, and the mothers of those who did the shooting. For the mothers of the survivors, and the mothers who sat in front of their TVs in horror, hugging their child who just came home from school, safely.

This is for all the mothers who taught their children to be peaceful, and now pray they come home safely from a war.

What makes a good Mother anyway? Is it patience? Compassion? Broad hips? The ability to nurse a baby, cook dinner, and sew a button on a shirt, all at the same time? Or is it in her heart?

Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son or daughter disappear down the street, walking to school alone for the very first time?

The jolt that takes you from sleep to dread, from bed to crib at 2 A.M. to put your hand on the back of a sleeping baby?

The panic, years later, that comes again at 2 A.M. when you just want to hear their key in the door and know they are safe again in your home?

Or the need to flee from wherever you are and hug your child when you hear news of a fire, a car accident, a child dying?

The emotions of motherhood are universal and so our thoughts are for young mothers stumbling through diaper changes and sleep deprivation... And mature mothers learning to let go.

For working mothers and stay-at-home mothers.

Single mothers and married mothers.

Mothers with money, mothers without.

This is for you all. For all of us...
Author unknown


Thanks for the reminder!

I've been teaching for over 15 years now. It's a challenge. There are different learning styles to consider, various levels of understanding, and the challenge of keeping things interesting for my students. It's easy to get burnt out and forget that teaching offers so many rewards too. I love it when a student gains something from their studies that they would never have understood without my help. I love seeing the look of wonder and amazement in a young child's eyes as they open their mind to new concepts and ideas. It's amazing to think that I may play some small role in helping to form tomorrow's memorable, world changers.

During my time in the classroom, I am usually so consumed with my work that I don't get the chance to reflect on the learning as it takes place. This week, however, I was afforded a unique glance at that process. A mom in one of my Kindermusik classes graciously agreed to snap some photos during class while I taught. I sat and studied the photos when I got home, and I found myself thinking- thinking about the impact we have on others when we are completely unaware, thinking about how much thanks I owe to those who taught me and those who have taught my children, and thinking about how special my students are to me. I hope you take the time this week to thank those who have had a positive influence in your life and helped to shape the person you have become!

Meet me in Kindermusik!

I was sitting in traffic the other day, and I began to think about the car in front of me at the light. She was a single mom with two daughters. One daughter attended Randall Middle School . She enjoyed yoga and long distance running, and she lived in Fish Hawk Ranch. I knew all of this not from personal knowledge, but simply by reading all of the magnets and stickers on the back of her car. We are definitely a society that likes to connect with others through labels and interests. How else do you account for the massive success of websites like Pinterest, Meetup, and the like?
Connecting with those around us and feeling a part of something are important to your little ones as well. In fact, the Institute for Early Childhood Education and Research states, "a body of research has been building to suggest that there is a strong link between young children's socioemotional competence and their chances of early school success (Raver, 2002). In fact, studies demonstrated that social emotional knowledge has a critical role in improving children's academic performance and life long learning (Zins, Bloodworth, Weissberg, & Walberg, 2004)." As a parent, I tend to focus on activities that I believe will enhance academic success for my children. It's nice to be reminded that having fun in a group setting is important for their academic success as well! What kind of social activities have you enjoyed lately with your children? We are now enrolling in our Kindermusik classes! Click here for a free preview pass.

Featured Artist - Mister G

Mister G
After 20 years as a critically acclaimed singer/songwriter playing for grown-ups, Ben Gundersheimer (aka Mister G) burst onto the children's music scene with his debut CD, "Pizza for Breakfast." A former classroom teacher with a Masters in Education, Ben was dubbed Mister G by his elementary school students. His recent bilingual CD, "BUGS," has garnered rave reviews from music critics, educators, and national media.

Several of Mister G's environmentally-themed songs, "Mister Chubby Pants" and "Squirrels," have been made into videos. "Squirrels" was recently featured on national television,along with "Vamos a la Playa," which was filmed on location in Mexico and Colombia and highlighted as part of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Over the past several years, Mister G has performed for children in the US, Europe and Latin America. He's played to packed audiences in settings as diverse as the Children's Museum of Manhattan, the Coolidge Corner Theater, Horizons for Homeless Children, and
Atitlan Multicultural Academy in Guatemala. A riveting performer equally capable of captivating a 1000 people in a large theater or writing songs with a class of first-grade students, Mister G is a unique figure in the children's music world.

Featured Artist - Janie Next Door

Janie Next Door
is also known as musician, entertainer, singer, songwriter, Jane Christison. A graduate of the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music, Jane is known for her Music With A Smile®, playing and singing many styles of music. She is the founder/owner of Music With A Smile Productions, LLC, which produces her CD's and videos,

Jane's newest musical venture is performing asJanie Next Door, playing live, Come Sing Along With Janie Next Door performances for children. These upbeat programs are getting rave reviews and include songs from her CD,"Come Sing Along With Janie Next Door," as well as some traditional children’s favorites. Audiences find themselves singing along, marching, clapping their hands and joining in on the fun.

Her smile and enthusiasm are contagious. Her original songs are so catchy that they'll stick in your head, and you won't want them to leave. You're sure to enjoy the music of Janie Next Door!

What's in store for today?

Familiarity... It's such a simple thing, and yet knowing what to expect can bring such a sense of security and comfort. If you look at your daily routine, and you'll find there is usually a sequence that your day follows. Now picture someone coming in and messing with that routine. You have to come in to work 2 hours earlier tomorrow morning. Your job responsibilities change, but no one can tell you exactly what is expected of you. You go to the grocery store, and they have changed all the aisles around. I'm guessing you would feel pretty frustrated by the end of the day. Now picture that same frustration in the body of a young child.
Children like to know what to expect and thrive on routine. If you think about it, a young child has very little control over what happens to him throughout the day. They depend on us to feed and bath them. We are responsible to put them to bed and ensure their daily care. If you don't have an established routine in your home, it may leave your young child just as frustrated and out of control as you would have felt in the above scenario. Familiarity brings a level of comfort and security that allows your child to freely explore their world and comfortably transition from one activity to the next. It also benefits your child as he learns more about sequencing. Here are a few ideas to help with your routine.
  • Sing a song when it's time to change activities. You can use a favorite song or even make one up for bath time, dinner time, or a favorite lullaby for bed time.
  • Use a picture chart to map out what to expect each day. As each item is finished, remove it from the chart using tape or velcro. You can find some free pictures here.
  • Use sequencing activities and songs, such as "B-I-N-G-O", to strengthen the "what comes next" concept for your little one.

Featured Artist - David Jack

David Jack is an award-winning children’s recording artist who brings originality, upbeat humor and a refreshingly hip musical energy to his concert audiences nationwide. He is that rare children’s performer who appeals both to kids and to their parents, and he is rarest of all, a fresh, new and important voice in the children’s music field.

All of the songs David performs are original–which is very unusual in the children’s field–with music composed by him and lyrics written by his older sister, Susan Jack Cooper, a former “Captain Kangaroo” staff writer. David grew up in Levittown, Pennsylvania but graduated from UCLA with a degree in Music Education.

David Jack has given concerts and has entertained at Children’s Festivals all over the United States. He appears frequently on TV and radio. David was invited for two consecutive years by President and Mrs. Clinton to perform at The White House Easter Egg Celebration as well as performing the National Anthem at the Oriole Stadium in Baltimore for an audience of 30,000. He is probably best known for his eleven (11) years of performing an exclusive daily performance engagement at Ph iladelphia’s Anheuser-Busch theme park, Sesame Place. Sesame Place is the only theme park in the country based on the hit TV show Sesame Street.

A.K.B.F. is a D-O-G (A Kids’ Best Friend is a Dog) earned him the highest honor in children’s music, the coveted Parent’s Choice Gold Seal Award. David’s previous album Gotta Hop! And Dance In Your Pants also earned Parent’s Choice Honors Awards as well as the “1993 Best Product Pick” awarded by Early Childhood News. His We Love Saturday and Snuggle Up Cozy recordings are both winners of the “Best Kids’ Music” National Parenting Publications Award. His sixth recording entitled Bop-Along Songs! can now be found in major retailers across the United States and on the Internet.

I heard that!

Recently on our Facebook page, we focused on the parenting topic of multi-sensory learning. Using all of the senses for learning helps your child to better retain the information gained from the experience. It requires active participation in the learning process and engages the whole child. There are lots of great ways to use this approach to enhance listening skills with your children. This vital skill helps your child develop social skills such as conversational skills, new vocabulary or proper word pronounciation, or listening to directions in a classroom setting. Music has been found to greatly enhance listening skills in young children. Try a few of these ideas out at home!

  • Go on a sound hunt with your child. As you "spy" different sounds, see if your child can identify the sound and mimic it.
  • Sing silly songs with your child and encourage them to make up new silly words that would rhyme. 
  • Leave out a word or phrase in a familiar song and enocurage your child to fill in the blanks as they sing along.
  • Encourage your baby to listen by allowing him to watch your face when talking to him. Sing simple songs and mimic his sounds if he tries to "sing" back to you.
  • Sing echo songs together. You can even make them up as you go along.

Performing Arts Exchange

Here is the link to the Performing Arts Exchange for artist showcases:

Featured Artist - Amy Liz

Amy Liz
Wigton has over 25 years experience as a professional singer/songwriter and musician. When she became a mom she began performing children’s music in 2003 at her son’s preschool and discovered her natural gift of truly connecting with children and in turn unleashing her own silliness. She developed her own unique children’s edutainment program which she brings to preschools as well as elementary schools, libraries, summer camps, public and private events all around the San Francisco Bay Area.

Amy sings interactive songs that range from the popular classics, original songs to those by contemporary children’s or even “big people” artists. Her finger puppet songs feature whimsical and cheerful characters set to colorful backdrops and miniature stage that is very popular with her audiences. She incorporates an energetic assortment of rhythm, creative movement, instruments, sign language, props and visuals to keep the children engaged, on their toes or playing the role of collaborator. With years of performance experience Amy knows how to keep her audiences entertained as well as teaching them about music & motion.

As an active volunteer for the non-profit organization, Bread & Roses Amy performs at rehabilitation shelters and day care centers that lack the funding for art programs. She also performs in children’s musical theater with the Marin County based Masque Unit Junior Theatre and played the lead role in the 2011 production of Pinocchio, no lie.

A veteran recording artist she has 4 adult albums to her credit she has just released her first children’s CD titled “Amy Liz Kid Hits” which is available on, itunes, and amazon. Click here: Amy Liz Kid Hits For album and song information.

Check her out at

Two Great Musician Resources

Here are two great resources to help musicians with their businesses:

Featured Artist - Thad Beach

Thad Beach is a full-time entertainer, musician, songwriter, storyteller, and teaching artist.

As an entertainer for over 30 years, he has delighted audiences with his musical talent, humorous antics, wit, and easy-going style, eliciting audience participation and making each performance a spontaneous, unique and personal experience. Thad has performed primarily solo at festivals, libraries, schools and community gatherings throughout Southeast and Midwest regions of the United States and England.

As a musician, Beach is a versatile instrumentalist, performing on ukulele, guitar, mandolin, fiddle, jaw harp, and harmonica. Thad’s harmonica playing has won state championship honors in North Carolina and Kansas. His CD Harmonica Harvest fea­tures his talents playing tunes from around the world and has been described as “encompassing the complete range of the har­monica. A must-have album for listening or study.” (Al Eichler, Editor, The American Harmonica Newsletter). He also showcases instruments from his “Band in a Bucket.” The limberjack, washboard, bucket bass and other fun and unique musical devices, inspire young and old alike to get involved in music.

Check him out at

Artist Showcases

Are you looking for children's musicians for your 2012 school year? Check out performance showcases and conferences nationwide. Many cities and states offer artist showcases through their Arts Councils and Division of the Arts and there are national showcases such as Performing Arts Exchange. Showcases offer numerous artists in 2-5 minute mini-concerts all in one place.

We Love Kindermusik

It's "We Love Kindermusik" week, and famililes around the country are helping us celebrate! Leave us a note on our facebook page to tell us what your family loves about Kindermusik!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Simply "Be"!

I love the simplicity and freedom that children enjoy. They live each moment without a thought or concern of what the next moment will bring. We could learn a thing or two from that. We get so consumed with the details of our daily responsibilities and time constraints, that we forget to simply enjoy being in the moment with our children. Think you've mastered this skill? Take this quick test, and find out.
  1. You are leaving for a quick trip to the grocery store, and your toddler begins to insist on buckling her seat belt herself. You...
A. tell her you don't have time today. She can try next time. 
B. give her a couple of seconds to try on her own, before buckling it for her
C. wait as long as it takes for her to finish and celebrate the accomplishment.

    2.  You are surfing the net, and your 7 year old comes up to ask you a question. You...

A. ask him to come back later.
B. quickly answer the question without looking up.
C. stop what your doing, look into your child's eyes while listening, and then answer him.

    3.  You pick up your child from school, and just as she begins to tell you about her day, your cell phone rings. It's a friend that hasn't called you in a while. You...

A. answer the phone.
B. say "excuse me a moment" to your child and then answer the phone.
C. hit the silence button on the phone, so that you can better hear your child.

    4. You take your child to a library story time or other enrichment program where your friend also attends. You...

A. spend the whole time talking with your friend while your child plays with the other children.
B. interact with your child when you see they need assistance participating properly.
C. and your friend focus on enjoying each activity with your children together.

How did you do? If you chose 3-4 "C" answers, you are likely making the most of every opportunity to enjoy your children as they grow! If you had only 2 "C" answers, don't sweat it. There simply may be some times in your day that you need to re-focus. If you had 0-1 "C" answers, I challenge you to watch your child today and remind yourself how to live in the moment.

Sibling Rivalry

As a home school family, I spend a great deal of time around my children. We have a great time learning together, but, like any other family, we also have days where disputes arise. I have come to learn that no matter where you're from or how you raise your children, the fact of the matter is that sibling rivalry is sure to raise its surly head! Conflict resolution is an important skill that children need to learn to succeed in life. However, it's easy to feel frustrated when your working though this with your children because you don't want to appear to be "taking sides". Here are a few pointers I picked up from the James Dobson book, The New Strong-Willed Child.

  • Don't inflame the natural jealousy that your children feel by comparing them to each other.
  • Establish a workable system of justice at home. In other words, you should have reasonable rules that protect each family member an ensure their fair treatment, then consistently enforce those rules.
  • Recognize that the hidden "target" of sibling rivalry is you! The bickering may be an attempt to capture more attention.
I hope it will help smooth the rough edges in your household as your children grow and learn how to successfully work with those around them.

Kindermusik Village - Sneak Peak

Our spring Kindermusik classes are now enrolling! Not sure what we do in a Kindermusik class? Here's a sneak peak of a Kindermusik Village class for babies up to 18 months old. It's so amazing to watch such young children respond to the power of music! You can view our full class schedule by clicking here.