Going back to school is a great way to improve your career. And it goes not only for the wage increase, but you will usually have more options available for switching jobs or gaining promotions. There are lots of advantages of online colleges, they save time and money allowing many people to get a degree who would have been unable to if they had to depend on traditional college environments. Before investing your resources in an online college degree, you should make sure you are not attending a diploma mill.
Avoid Diploma Mills
Yes, it's true: online you can literally buy a degree. All you need is to pay accurately and get a degree without having to take classes or do homework. In some cases you can even pay for transcripts or graduation certificates. And even if it sounds appealing, they are almost never accepted for a job, and will not be accepted if your profession requires any type of licensure or accreditation. All you have is an expensive waste of time.
How do they attract people?
Generally degree mills say that they are giving degrees based on your life experience, or based on academic standards that are well below that of legitimate universities. Sure, getting a degree won't take you too much time but it will not help you when nobody will accept it. Nowadays online you find many legitimate college degrees that are quicker and cheaper than brick and mortar schools.
It's just wrong
For the majority of people, purchasing a degree from a diploma mill is simply a morally wrong decision. When most people earn their degrees, buying one from a diploma mill is just an expensive and mostly unsuccessful way to cheat the system. Even if your work experience alone would have qualified you for a job, many employers will turn you down due to a diploma mill degree. Moreover, in many states it is illegal to attempt to apply for a job using a diploma mill degree.
Luckily, there are things you can do to find legitimate online college degrees:
- Start with looking for accreditation websites. The online university should be accredited by a legitimate accreditation agency. That means, it should be listed on the university website, as well as the accreditation agency website
- Reviews and comments of former students are very useful, so search for them
- Compare the program of the chosen school with those ones of the others
- Make sure the degree requirements match what is typically expected for other similar programs
Make sure you invest enough time in research and you can be sure to find online college degrees that are reputable, legitimate, and will help you get farther in your career.
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