My Fabulous Award

THANK YOU Sally for this award. I have been instructed to list five things I'm addicted to and five blogs I love. So, my five favorite blogs would be:
1. Mom's Ministry and More -Heidi lives overseas and is an old friend of mine. I love her sense of humor and insightfulness about life as a mom in a foreign land.
2. My Pocket Full of Sunshine -Maria is a former Kindermusik student. She became an entrepenuer last year with the start of My Pocket Full of Sunshine.
3. Wombats in the Belfry - I love following along with what's going on in Sally's life. Seems there is never a dull moment.
4. Kindermusik of Cambridge- 5. Half Notes I picked the last two because they are both blogs of fellow Kindermusik educators. I love their ideas about music, development, and children.
Now for the five addictions. Hmmmmmm.....
1. My family
3. Music
4. Hugs and Kisses
5. Laughter

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