A Parent's Thoughts

We are approaching our 9th birthday here at Delightful Sounds. Sometimes it boggles my brain when I sit and think of all the families I have met over those nine years. There are so many special faces and names that come to mind. I can recall favorite songs and activities that stand out in my mind. I even remember dancing the tango-cha-cha in Do-Si-Do with baby Jack S. who is now well into elementary school! I was recently talking with a parent from another Kindermusik program. She had moved here in the last few months from Alaska and was recalling fondly when her children were young enough to attend Kindermusik there. "What did you like most about your time in Kindermusik?" I asked. I suspected that her answer would be something about bonding while having fun with her children or the developmental benefits that it provided. "Those were great," she said. "But I loved the heritage it's preserving most of all."  In this world of high speed technology and information, she enjoyed slowing down to sing nursery rhymes and folk songs that had been handed down from one generation to the next for hundreds of years. There is a wholesomeness and affability that comes with this heritage, and I agree it is worth preserving. Do you think you know your nursery rhymes? Click here for a fun nursery rhyme quiz! If you find you need to brush up on a few rhymes, I know where there is a great Kindermusik class! :)

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